Ringworm of the scalp is a fungal infection that causes a scaly ring-shaped rash. Despite the name, this rash is not related to any worm but is caused by a fungal infection that grows on the skin. Ringworm of the scalp can affect any part of the skin, and is most often seen in areas of high friction or moisture, such as the feet, nails, groin, and scalp. The infection can also spread from one area of ​​the body to another. When the scalp is affected, the infection can cause hair loss and irritation.

What causes ringworm of the scalp?

Ringworm of the scalp is caused by a type of fungus called dermatophytes, which typically lives on the outer layers of the skin. These fungi thrive in warm, moist environments, such as locker rooms, public showers, and indoor swimming pools. In addition to humans, the infection can be transmitted from infected animals to humans, or even through contaminated soil. The fungi are most active in hot, humid climates, making summer and tropical areas ideal environments for their reproduction. Other factors increase the risk of infection, such as:

Living in a warm climate
Direct contact with an infected person or animal
Using a shared towel or clothing with an infected person
Participating in sports activities that require physical contact
Wearing tight clothing that traps moisture
Weakened immune system due to certain health conditions such as diabetes or obesity

Symptoms of ringworm of the scalp

The most prominent symptoms of ringworm of the scalp are:

Intense itching in the affected area
A ring-shaped rash with peeling skin
Flat circular spots that appear on the surface of the skin
Redness of the skin around the rash
Hair loss in the area of ​​infection
Raised edges appear around the affected spots

How to prevent ringworm of the scalp

To avoid ringworm of the scalp, you must follow some simple precautions:

Maintain personal hygiene: Make sure to wash your hands with soap and warm water regularly, especially after contact with animals or public places.

Avoid sharing personal items: Do not share towels, razors, hats, or combs with others.
Wear sandals in public places such as bathrooms and swimming pools to avoid direct contact with contaminated surfaces.
Shower regularly after exercising or exercising, and make sure to dry your body well, especially your feet.

Change your underwear and socks daily, and make sure to wash your sportswear regularly.

How to get rid of ringworm of the scalp

Using antifungal medications: Over-the-counter antifungal medications are the most common treatment for ringworm of the scalp. It is recommended to clean the affected area first, then apply a thin layer of the medication to the rash two to three times a day.

Maintaining dryness and cleanliness: Keep the affected area dry with a clean towel. Avoid reusing towels before washing them well with hot water.

Natural breathing of the affected area: Try to allow the affected area to breathe instead of covering it with bandages, as moisture can delay healing.

Avoid spreading infection: Ringworm of the scalp is very contagious, so be sure to wash your hands well after touching the affected area, and avoid spreading the infection to other parts of your body.

Washing bedding regularly: Since the fungus remains on fabrics, bedding should be washed daily with hot water and soap to prevent the infection from spreading to other areas of the body.

Use an antifungal shampoo: If the infection is on the scalp, use an antifungal shampoo to treat fungi on the hair and scalp.

Clean or dispose of contaminated items: Make sure to clean or dispose of any items that may have been contaminated to keep your body clean and prevent reinfection.

See a doctor: If the condition does not improve after two weeks of treatment, or if you experience increased pain or swelling, you should see a dermatologist to help treat the infection.

Although ringworm of the scalp can be uncomfortable and painful, effective treatment is available, and it can often be treated with home remedies and antifungal treatments. It is important to keep the affected area clean and not spread the infection to other areas of the body. By following some preventive tips, you can reduce your chances of getting ringworm of the scalp and avoid spreading the infection to others

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