Here are the types of dark circles and how to get rid of them

Dark circles are a common skin problem that appears around the eyes in the form of dark pigmentation, making the face look tired or older. Both men and women suffer from it, and its severity may vary from person to person. This phenomenon is often attributed to fatigue, but in fact there are many other reasons that may be responsible for its appearance or exacerbation.

Here are four main types of dark circles.

Pigmented dark circles
They are characterized by their brown or black color. They result from increased melanin production in the skin, and may be genetic or acquired. Their severity increases as a result of continuous exposure to the sun or repeated friction with the eye.

Vascular dark circles
They appear blue or purple due to poor blood circulation in the microvessels around the eye. They become more noticeable in people with fair skin due to the thinness of the skin. They become more noticeable as a result of staying up late, iron deficiency, or poor blood flow in the area.

Extended dark circles

Extend from the tear duct to the cheek area, making the face look older. They are caused by loss of cheek fat due to aging or sudden weight loss. The sagging tissue causes the eye socket to sink and dark shadows to appear.

Dark circles caused by under-eye puffiness
Accompanying swollen fatty bags under the eyes, making the pigmentation appear more noticeable. They may be caused by fluid retention, allergies, or genetic factors.

Natural Remedies for Dark Circles

Some natural remedies can help reduce the appearance of dark circles around the eyes and improve the appearance of the skin. Here are some effective methods:

  1. Cucumber slices
    Cucumber is one of the most popular treatments for dark circles, as it contains antioxidants and soothing properties that reduce puffiness and lighten the skin. Place chilled cucumber slices on the eyes for 10-15 minutes, then wash the face with cold water.
  2. Sweet almond oil
    Almond oil is known for its nourishing properties that help lighten and moisturize the skin. Massage a little almond oil under the eyes before bed, and leave it until morning for best results.
  3. Rose water
    Rose water works to revitalize the skin and lighten its color, which reduces the appearance of dark circles. Soak cotton balls in cold rose water and place them on the eyes for 10-15 minutes daily.
  4. Aloe vera gel
    Aloe vera gel contains antioxidants and vitamins that maintain skin moisture and help reduce pigmentation. Apply a small amount of aloe vera gel under the eyes and gently massage before bed.
  5. Get enough sleep
    Lack of sleep is one of the main causes of dark circles, so it is recommended to sleep for 7-9 hours a day to ensure eye comfort and reduce fatigue.
  6. Drink enough water
    Hydrating the body plays an important role in improving the appearance of the skin and reducing dark pigmentation under the eyes. It is recommended to drink 8 glasses of water daily to maintain healthy skin.
  7. Massage the under-eye area
    Gentle massage helps stimulate blood circulation and reduce fluid retention under the eyes. You can use your fingers or a cold massage tool to gently move the skin from the inner corner of the eye outward.

These natural remedies may help reduce the appearance of dark circles, but they may not treat the underlying cause. If the problem persists, it is best to consult a dermatologist to determine the most appropriate treatment.

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